IELTS Academic Task1 10th October 2019

The bar graph compares the proportion of overweight males and females in Australia from 1980 to 2010.

Overall, it can be seen that the percentage of overweight men was more than women in Australia throughout. Also, the percentage of obese men and women increased in the first two decades, but there was a change in the trend in the last decade.

In 1980, slightly more than half the Australian men were overweight, while the percentage of overweight Australian women was 40%. The figures for both overweight men and women increased till 2000 and in 2000, the proportion of overweight men stood at around 80%, while the figures for women were around 20% less than men.

In the last decade, while the percentage of overweight men in Australia decreased, the percentage of overweight women in Australia remained unchanged. Despite the fall in the percentage of men, the percentage of overweight men at 70% was more than that of women by 10% in 2010.

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