GT Essay 11th January 2020

In the past people used to wear their traditional clothes depending on their culture. Nowadays the trend is changing, and people wear similar clothes. Is it a positive or a negative development? 

The global era of today is all about choices. People are aware of fashions all over the world and are adopting whatever suits their fancy. This phenomenon is largely positive, although there is a downside to it as well. 

On the one hand, the main drawback of the trend to wear clothes not related to one’s culture is that it erodes the cultural identity of nations. Many nations are known by their national dress. For instance, ‘sari’ is the national dress of India and ‘kimono’ is the national dress of Japan. These dresses are also linked to certain customs and traditions. If these attires are lost, the customs and traditions will also be lost. This situation can sometimes lead to violence, when people fear a rapid loss of their identity and culture and intrusion of foreign culture. Moreover, this has increased the generation gap between the young and old, with the young more accommodating of western clothing, while the old trying to retain their traditional clothing and lifestyle. 

On the other hand, there are countless advantages of this trend. To begin with, following a global lifestyle eliminates culture shock when people travel to other countries. In other words, people find it easier to adjust and accommodate when they travel or migrate because they were already dressing up in the same way beforehand. Secondly, this trend has had an impact on the economy as well. With a shift towards similar clothes like jeans and shirts, there also has been a spread of multinational clothing companies like Levis and Lees to developing nations, which has benefitted the economies of both – the developing and developed nations.

To add to it, this trend has reduced discrimination, as people find it harder to judge someone’s ethnicity based on their clothes. When people of global communities look similar, they find it easier to accept each other. It leads to better harmony among people. People feel united and work together for uplifting the global communities. People feel part of a global village and it makes them feel more confident. 

To sum up, the growing similarity in clothing has certain downsides, but considering its many advantages it would be right to consider it a positive development overall.

Written by: Indroop Singh

Plan followed


Para 1: Disadvantages

Para 2: Advantages                             

Para 3: Advantages


Written by: Indroop Singh

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