IELTS GT Essay 11th January 2020 Canada

In many countries around the world young people decide to leave their parents’ home once they finish school. They start living on their own or share a home with friends. Some people think it is a positive thing. Do you agree or disagree? 

The trend of living alone or with friends rather than families has gained popularity among youth all over the world. While this has a few negatives, I agree that this trend is advantageous on the whole. A number of arguments surround my opinion.

To begin with, living alone or sharing an apartment with a friend teaches young adults many things. They become independent, more confident, develop decision-making skills and learn to deal with situations and problems on their own. By contrast, while living with their parents, children have a sense of dependency and security, which may come in the way of their handling things on their own. They may never step out of their comfort zone and consequently, do not learn to handle challenges very well.

Furthermore, living away from home encourages young people to explore more and learn more. They meet new people from different backgrounds and cultures, which helps them become more social. However, if they stay with their parents they may not feel the need to socialize or there may be restrictions at home. Such a generation gap may spoil the parent-child relationship. It has been rightly said that ‘Distance strengthens relationships.’

To add to it, when parents know that their children are going to stay on their own just after school, they also start imparting moral values to their children in early childhood, and so by the time the children step out of their homes, they are mature enough to understand the difference between right and wrong. They also learn how to manage expenses related to rent, bills, food, etc. 

On the other hand, the only drawback is that such freedom to the youth may take them on the wrong path like drug addiction, petty crime, etc. However, I believe that if parents do not shrug away their responsibility completely, and stay connected with their children, this drawback can be taken care of and staying on their own can be very profitable for children in the long run. 

To conclude, I reiterate my opinion that young adults should live independently, as experience is the best teacher, especially for learning life skills. Family will always be there to support them even if they don’t live with them.

Plan followed
Intro: Agree
Para 1: benefits of living on their own                
Para 2& 3: More benefits
Para 4: Other side with a refutation
Conclusion: Reiterate opinion

4 thoughts on “IELTS GT Essay 11th January 2020 Canada”

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