IELTS Academic Essay 12th September 2020 India 9 AM


Some people believe that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams always succeed in sports. Others think that success in sports depends on mental attitudes. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some individuals opine that only those who are physically fit succeed in sports. However, others believe that a positive mental attitude is required for succeeding in sports. Both sides will be discussed in this essay. I believe that at the professional level, physical fitness is really important, but so is mental tenacity and willpower.

The main reason why some people say that fitness and strength are very important for success is that being fitter and stronger enables a person to go the extra mile and gives him an edge over his competitors. In many sports, for example in boxing, a physically superior fighter can sometimes overcome a significantly more skilled opponent through sheer exertion. This is the reason coaches also give so much importance to regular training.

On the other hand, those who say that players can succeed with a positive mental attitude and good game plan give the following reasons. First, they cite the examples of players who have succeeded because despite physical shortcomings like short height, they have been able to excel at sports. Secondly, they believe in most team sports like rugby, football, skill and decision making assume more importance and, in some cases, overwhelm fitness. For example, in football a player can outsmart a physically stronger player through a creative pass.

I believe it is true that at the elite or the professional level, physical fitness is extremely important. If two candidates with similar skills meet, it is generally the one with superior physical abilities that comes out on top. However, it is also true that most sports are more than a one on one physical fitness challenge. Many sports, for example, require long hours of concentration and even a second of complacency can cost the team a match. I don’t think it would be correct to consider either physical strength or mental tenacity more important than the other.

To sum up, I think to excel in sports no doubt physical fitness and strength have a role, but mental attitude is also very important.

Written by: Indroop Singh

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