14 December IELTS Academic task 2, India

  • Scientists have been warning for many years about protecting the environment and that people must limit the use of energy in their daily lives. Despite warnings, many people do not do so. What are the reasons for this and how can people be encouraged to protect the environment?

It has been known for a long time that human beings need to limit everyday energy use and that environment needs to be protected. However, it is also a fact that very few people actually take steps to improve the situation. There are several reasons behind this, but if proper measures are taken this situation can be rectified.

There are many factors responsible for the indifference towards the environment among people. To begin with, people are accustomed to the luxuries of life and it is very hard to switch back to a simpler life. For example, it is very difficult to live without air conditioners today. Actually, global warming is making conditions warmer, accentuating the need of air conditioners. Similarly, we are accustomed to machines like washing machines, blenders and choppers in kitchen and it is certainly very difficult if not impossible to go back to washing clothes by hands or chopping vegetables using knives.

Another reason is that people believe that their individual action would not make a big difference. Some people are also of the opinion that environmentalists are exaggerating the consequences of climate change and global warning. They trust science to find them the solutions to these issues.

Despite all these reasons, I still believe that many people can be encouraged to take steps. Firstly, the government can implement strict rules and regulations, which would ensure energy efficiency in homes or use of renewable energy in homes. For example, many local governments pass large new residential building plans only if the plan incorporates solar rooftop panels.  The second measure that governments from around the world can do is penalizing wastage or excessive use of energy by very high rates. Nothing would prompt a bigger reaction than a hit at people’s pockets.

In conclusion, there are many reasons for people not taking steps to safeguard the environment and to cut down their energy use. However, I still believe that a lot of people can still be motivated to mend their ways.

Written by: Indroop Singh

Plan followed

Intro: Problem solution intro

Para 1: Reasons

Para 2: Reasons

Para 3: Solutions


9 thoughts on “14 December IELTS Academic task 2, India”

  1. Nowadays it is hard for the people to leave without the use of energy in their daily life.Because of the high consumption of the energy by the people the environment is highly effected and it causes global warming.This problem can be solved if every individual starts reducing their use of energy in there daily habits.

    Firstly,There are many factors that are affecting the environment.Even the scientists are warning that reduce the use of energy but the main reason is people are habituated with the use of power in every where in their life.For example these days in every house the use of washing machines is very high and it consume high energy.But people at present cannot think of oldest method for washing cloths because it is very time consuming and self energy.Another example is using their vehicles to travel for short distance,It can be reduced by using cycles or walking for short distance.

    Another reason for the global warming is high usage of petroleum consuming vehicles,it cause high pollution in the environment.To bring down the effect of pollution people can reduce the use of vehicles in their daily life and they can make use of public transport to travel to their places.
    Despite, all these reasons people can be encouraged by the government to make less use of the energy.Firstly,government should make strict rules to reduce the use of the power source.And set a machine for every house to track the use of power and penalise them for the high usage by this people will lower their use of energy in their daily life.
    In conclusion,i believe if people are taught about the effects of global warming which are caused by their consumption energy and by that how the environment is effected , then they will leeser their use of energy.

  2. Muhammad Ahmed

    in this essay…i don’t think writer has more emphasis on the problems…you should also add the topics in it such as habitat destruction,endangered species,deforestation and causes of global warming which are burning of fossil fuels etc. The mention of kitchen and chooping of vegtables in topic of environment is totally irrelevant and out of sense.That’s the first essay of your site which i think is 70./. irrelevant.

  3. Helo sir,
    Can you suggest me january is favorable month for ielts test.. As some people believe that in jan exam will be complicated may can out of syllabus..
    Please help me ..

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