IELTS Academic Essay 16th January 2020

The best way to prepare for the future is to invest in young people. Do you agree or disagree? 

It is commonly believed that a nation can succeed in the future by spending on its youth. In my opinion, nothing can actually stop a nation from developing and succeeding if its youth are educated and healthy and thus that there can be no better way than investing resources to prepare for the future.

The first reason why I believe that investing in youth should be a priority for every country is that young people are the backbone of a country’s economy. The success of the economy depends upon whether the country’s working age population or in other words the youth is skilled, educated and healthy. If the youth are not skilled and educated, rather than helping a country grow, they would become a burden. Similarly, a country’s success depends upon its worker’s productivity and productivity in turn depends upon people’s physical and mental health. Hence, countries must spend on their youth.

The second argument in support of my view is based on empirical evidence. About half a century ago, when most of Asia got independence, most of the countries like Korea, Indonesia, China and India had similar levels of development. However, today some of these countries like Korea and China are way ahead, while others like India and Indonesia are still facing many challenges. The main reason that experts attribute for this is the level of spending on health and education. Countries like Korea and China spent much more heavily on health and education than India and Indonesia. 

Last but not least, a country to grow today needs innovation and new ideas. I believe that youth bring this to the table. Old people by nature are risk averse and are resistant to change, while youth are open to new ideas and change. If a country needs to really grow it must have young dynamic leaders with out of the box thinking and ideas. Therefore, countries really need to spend resources and time on developing such young leaders.

To conclude, I would like to reiterate that importance of youth to the future success of a country cannot be overstated and thus investing in them is the most effective way for a country to secure its future.

Plan followed
Intro: government should invest in young 
Para 1: Why is it essential to invest in youth.
Para 2: Second reason 
Para 3: Third reason
Conclusion: investment in youth is better to secure the future

5 thoughts on “IELTS Academic Essay 16th January 2020”

  1. Young talent is the future of nation. Each country should spend money in youngsters to develope their future. If youth is well educated then no one can stop them to be successful in future. There are numerous reasons thats why nation spend on their youth.

    The dominent factor is education and skills. If government spend good amount to provide excellent education as well as experience services then youngsters will also pay back to their nation by achieving their goals.on the same hand, youngsters have a lot of stamina or energy to do hard work as compare to elder ones. They can do over time work and by their experience or good skills they can up to date their nation by doing new research or by updating technology.

    Furthermore, new generation provide better health services or education services. Firstly, in case of health care youngsters are good for nation army because they are healthy and fit and have no any health issue’s.secondly,for country development and success they need new ideas and talent . for new innovations government should spend in young talent to take their nation up.

    In conclusion,in early time period education system was not good but know education system is excellent and education is key behind success. Government should spend in education or health services to facilitate good services to youngsters so that they can pay back to their country.

    1. Indroop Makkar

      It is both. Always check oxford english dictionary. We might be wrong, but you can always trust it.

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