IELTS Academic Essay 1st Feb 2020


Some people think watching TV is bad for children in every way. Others think TV has positive effects on children and can help children develop. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People are divided on the role of TV in the development of children. Some opine that watching TV develops children positively whereas others think the opposite. This essay intends to discuss both viewpoints. In my personal opinion television viewing may actually enhance children’s intellectual development, but if it is done in limit and the programs children watch are selected wisely by parents.

There are many reasons why some people say that watching TV is beneficial for children. Firstly, watching the right kinds of shows increases children’s knowledge and so they do better in academics. According to a research, young children who spent a few hours a week watching educational programs such as Sesame Street and Curious George had higher academic test scores 3 years later than those who didn’t watch educational programs. Secondly, children can be motivated to play sports by watching some sports on TV. Finally, children can learn about different cultures and lifestyles of the world through TV programs.

On the other hand, those who say that watching TV is detrimental for children give their reasons as follows. Firstly, it impacts their health negatively. It reduces their physical activity and turns them into couch potatoes. Apart from causing obesity, too much screen time is also bad for their eyesight. It also impacts their social development as they do not get time to play and socialize. Finally, if the content they watch is not monitored, they may watch shows full of violence and vulgarity, which may be bad for them and affect their psyche.

I believe that watching TV is beneficial for children if done in limit. The effects also depend on the content and genre of the programs. Therefore, parents should set the TV time for the children and also select the programs for them. They should preferably watch TV with them, especially educational shows as these may seem boring to the children otherwise.

To sum up, I reiterate my view that TV is on the whole advantageous for children. However, the effects of television viewing depend on program content and genre, and parents should teach their children about choosing the right TV program to watch.

Plan followed
Intro: Discuss essay intro
Para 1: One View
Para 2: Other view
Para 3: Own view
Conclusion: Repetition of your opinion

Written by: Indroop Singh Makkar

6 thoughts on “IELTS Academic Essay 1st Feb 2020”

  1. Nice post. I have one doubt. In this essay, the word watch/watching is repeated multiple times. is it correct to repeat the word?

    1. Nice idea but opinion and conclusion both are very similar along with this in intro the thesis line is also match with conclusion . Is it write

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