IELTS Academic Essay 29th July 2023 India

Countries should produce food for the whole population and import as little food as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


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In many countries, people buy imported food rather than food produced locally. Why do people do that? How can people be encouraged to eat locally produced food?

Advantages of importing food

  1. Imported foods have better quality. When foods are imported, their quality is always checked and only the best products end up on our market. Regulations on local food are less strict because there is less distrust. Ironically enough that means that local food isn’t quality controlled as much.
  2. In some cases, overseas food imports are cheaper as compared to the local food due to favourable growing conditions or foreign government support and subsidies.
  3. Importing food gives us access to more choices. We can taste a variety of fruits and vegetables from all parts of the world.
  4. It has become a necessity and not merely a choice. The number of people who are even interested in working as farmers is constantly decreasing. This has led to a shortage of local food production.
  5. It leads to employment opportunities. Both importing and exporting food means opening job positions in new fields. All this encourages economic growth at a global level.

Disadvantages of importing food

  1. The local farmers suffer because of the stiff competition provided by the imported food.
  2. Transportation of such foods leads to an increase in pollution.
  3. The local culture is diluted because of imported food.

Why local produce is better

  1. Local food is fresher and more nutritious as local food is harvested shortly beforehand. When food is allowed to ripen on the plant before it’s picked, and when it’s eaten fresh, it has the most amount of nutrients and flavor.
  2. There is no need of adding artificial ingredients that increase the food’s shelf life. There are no chemical ripening agents, wax coatings, and other preservatives. So, local food is good for our health
  3. Supporting local businesses greatly benefits our local economy. Small farmers are kept alive through the business of local customers.
  4. Preserves culture and tradition.
  5. Less pollution as less fuel used in transport and there is no need for excessive packaging

How can people be encouraged to have local produce

  1. Aware people about the benefits of local food
  2. Improve the quality of local food: Government should also check the local produce for quality from time to time
  3. The government should subsidize locally produced foods or impose taxes on imported foods, to make local options financially more attractive.

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