IELTS Academic Essay 5th August 2023 India

In some countries, celebrities complain about the way media publicize their private lives. Some people say that they should accept it as part of their fame. Do you agree or disagree?


It is believed by some that celebrities have to accept the manner in which their private lives are made public by the media. Although media is responsible for keeping these celebs in the spotlight for their work, it has absolutely no right to  their private life.  

There are many reasons why the media should not march into the private lives of celebs. To commence with, celebrities are already under a lot of pressure to perform well, as they are public figures and are always in the public eye. Be it a politician, a sportsperson, a singer or an actor, all these professions require them to be at their best at all times. This stress of someone constantly following them affects the way they perform, which ultimately leads to a loss for the people.

Secondly, these celebs are role models for the people. When any negative side of their private life is exposed, their followers think it glamorous to do the same, which is definitely detrimental for the society as a whole. For example, if people come to know that the celeb they adore, smokes and drinks in private life, they think there is nothing wrong in doing so and also copy their idol. This is where responsible journalism is needed.

Finally, sensationalizing the news in order for the channel to get more TRP is unethical. Some ethics need to be followed by journalists, as they may adversely affect someone’s personal and professional lives. Who does not remember the unfortunate incident when the world lost a very eminent public figure, Lady Diana? That accident happened because the paparazzi were chasing the car she was travelling in. Even though celebrities choose this life for name and fame and to be in the spotlight, it does not mean that the media and paparazzi have a right to stalk them at all times.

To sum up, it can be reiterated that responsible journalism means knowing its limits. Celebs too have their private lives and they have a right to privacy. The media has to be judicious in knowing what to report and how much to report, and should never misuse its power.

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