IELTS Academic Essay 25th May 2024 India

Holding International games such as the Olympic Games is an exciting event. Some people think it has positive effects while others argue it is a waste of money. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.


People are divided on the issue of hosting Olympic Games. Some individuals opine that it is advantageous to host such events, whereas others believe that there is nothing to be gained by hosting such events. This essay shall look into both arguments. Although hosting such grand sporting events can lead to certain problems, the immense benefits certainly make up for them.

Those who are in favour of hosting international sporting events, give their reasons as follows. To begin with, such events boost the economy. For example, during the Olympics many athletes, spectators, officials, sponsors and broadcasters come to the host country and spend money on hotels and restaurants. Additionally, many people get employment because of the jobs related to hosting such events. For instance, there are many new jobs in construction projects of stadiums and hotels and also in advertising related to such events. 

On the other hand, there are many reasons why some people are opposed to hosting such events. The main reason is that the government of the host country usually allocates resources from other parts of the country to that part, because of which the development of the other parts suffers. Another disadvantage is that the tourism in the neighbouring area suffers, as all visitors are attracted towards the host city. Finally, cities or countries normally have to take considerable loans to pay for the expenses and many cities have fallen into endless cycles of debt as returns are not sufficient.

Despite the drawbacks of hosting such events, I believe that hosting such international events is beneficial in the long run. Firstly, the host country gets recognition in the whole world because of media exposure. It is also an opportunity for the host country and its people to know about the culture of other countries. Furthermore, the infrastructure of the host country develops at an accelerated pace. For example, when New Delhi hosted the Commonwealth Games, many flyovers and stadiums were built which are now being enjoyed by the local people of Delhi. 

To sum up,  it is clear that there are advantages as well as disadvantages of hosting such events, but the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.

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