IELTS Academic Essay 1st June 2024 India

Some people think that the government should provide assistance to all kinds of artists including painters, musicians and poets, etc. However, other people think that it is a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


It is believed by some that it is important to support the artists, whereas others are opposed to government funding of artists. This essay intends to analyse both perspectives. I believe that it is necessary to support all types of artists. 

There are many reasons why some people say that the government should fund artists. To begin with, artists are the ambassadors of culture.  Art is a means of communication and of diffusing tradition. For example, people learn about their history, traditions and culture through movies, songs and paintings made by artists. Another important reason is that artists entertain us. Finally, the government should fund artists because earning a livelihood from art is difficult, especially in the budding stages. 

On the other hand, those who say that money should not be spent on artists and should be used for more vital purposes, give their reasons as follows. Firstly, when people are suffering from disease, then the spending on art is plainly immoral. In addition to health concerns, there are also more deserving social causes such as homelessness and unemployment. These deserve to be addressed before money is spent on art and entertainment. Also, enough funding should be reserved for the education sector. 

I believe that spending on art is as important as spending on other areas, as art is also a basic human need. Art is what differentiates humans from animals and makes humans the most superior of all animals. Art gives people a reason to live their life. So, spending on art can never be a waste of money. 

To sum up, I reiterate that spending on artists is not a waste of money as art is as important as healthcare and education.  

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