IELTS Academic Essay 11th Feb 2023 India 1 PM

The preventing and reducing global environmental damage lies with politicians, as there are very little the individuals can do about this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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Environmental problems are too big for individual countries and individual persons to address. In other words, we have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment. Only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Some think that these environmental problems are too big for individuals to be solved, while others think that governments cannot solve these environmental problems unless individuals take some action. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

While this issue needs to be handled at the national and international levels by the politicians (government), every inhabitant of Earth also needs to do his/her bit and take small steps to contribute towards a cleaner environment.

Why steps need to be taken at the international level to save the environment

Pollution caused by one country can affect many others. One example: the whole Pacific Ocean has now been polluted with mercury due to the release of industrial wastewater into the Pacific Ocean by Japan’s industries. Another example: the ozone hole is the biggest over Antarctica, nowhere near the industrialized nations of the US or Europe, which were the main polluters in the 20th century. Therefore, global intervention is needed to ameliorate these issues.

What can countries do to save the environment?

  1. Countries can make laws against the use of plastic bags and other environment damaging materials.
  2. Governments can provide better public transport, good roads, and separate walking and cycling lanes.
  3. Countries can take the lead and take steps, which show the way for other countries to follow. For example, many countries are now copying Israel’s desalination water model. Here a single country’s efforts have resulted in a global solution to fresh-water concerns.

Why do some people say that individuals can do nothing for the environment

  1. Individuals lack the professional knowledge needed to cope with serious environmental issues like soil erosion and salinity, which require a significant amount of investigation and research.
  2. When an environmental emergency or accident happens such as an oil spill near the borderline, only government action or international coordination can help.

What can individuals do to save the environment

Protecting the planet starts at an individual level. Small changes at the individual level may seem trivial but can go a long way in bringing a change. Some steps that can be taken at an individual level to save the environment.

  1. They can use public transport instead of private vehicles, carpool, walk to short distances rather than using a vehicle, or use eco-friendly modes of transport, like bicycles.
  2. They can shop wisely and be conscious about buying products with less packaging material used. Use eco-friendly reusable bags instead of plastics while shopping.
  3. They can reduce, reuse, and recycle. They can reduce household waste, compost food scraps, and recycle things like newspapers, plastics, and glass.
  4. They can conserve water as less water used means less runoff and wastewater that eventually ends up in oceans.
  5. They can plant trees as trees are the lungs of the earth and purify the air.
  6. They can volunteer for clean-ups in the community.
  7. They can turn off lights, TV, and other appliances when not using them. Use energy-efficient bulbs and appliances.

Why even government actions fail if people don’t support

If the government enacts laws for the betterment of the environment, and individuals do not cooperate, then there would be no results. For example, in India, there is a strict ban on the use of single-use plastics, but people are still using them.

Own View

I believe that while there are some environmental areas in which government intervention is paramount, I also believe that in some areas individuals must lead the way.

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