IELTS Academic Essay 11th July 2024 India

Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but other people claim that it is the individual’s responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion?


It is argued by some that the government should pay for medical care and education, while others think individuals should shoulder the costs. In this essay, both views will be discussed. Personally, I think that primary and secondary health care and education should be paid by the government, but people should pay for higher education and tertiary medical care.

On the one hand, the main reason why some strongly profess that it is the government’s responsibility to provide free health care and primary education is that a country’s prosperity and development directly depend upon its productive workforce. If the people are healthy and educated, they can not only better their lives, but also drive the country’s overall economy and development. Another reason is that it is the best utilization for government’s resources as education and health care have a multiplier effect on the economy.

On the other hand, those who claim that individuals should be responsible for their health care and education say that free education and health care makes people complacent. When health care and education are free, people do not take care of their health to the same level and students are also not as serious in their studies. Secondly, they argue that free food, water, shelter, transportation is better for society than free education and health care. 

I certainly believe that at the basic levels education and health care should be fully funded by the government, but it is financially impossible to do so at the tertiary level. For developing countries with limited resources, free primary education and healthcare is the best bet to free people from the cycle of endless poverty. In a sense, this would enable people to be independent and capable of funding their higher education or tertiary medical care if need arises, themselves.

To sum up, it can be reiterated that basic health care and primary education should be paid for by the government, but the individuals should pay for advanced health care and education from their pocket.

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