IELTS Academic Essay 12th October 2023 India

People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than other factors. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


It is believed by some that age of a person determines the shopping habits of a person. I believe that besides age, there are numerous other factors, which have equal impact on how and why people buy things.

Undoubtedly, age is an important factor affecting people’s shopping. A consumer does not buy the same products or services at 20 years and at 50 years. His lifestyle, activities, hobbies and habits evolve throughout his life. Accordingly, his shopping needs also change. For example, during his life, a consumer could change his diet from unhealthy products, such as fast foods, to a healthier diet to avoid health problems. His clothing preferences also would change with age. Therefore, age does affect the shopping habits.

Another factor, which is as important as age, is the socioeconomic status of the person. The upper strata of society, is very brand conscious. The middle and lower income groups have to see their pocket. Brands are like sour grapes for them. Peer pressure is another important element, which controls purchasing choices. If one friend has an I-phone, the other also buys the same. Advertisements, which keep bombarding people with info about any product, also affect consumerism.

Furthermore, gender is another factor which determines the shopping habits. In general, men have a different attitude about shopping than women do. Their personal needs are also different. The clothes, toiletries, accessories etcetera, all requirements are different. Finally, there are individual differences. Two consumers can be similar in age, personality, gender, and so on but still purchase very different products. 

To conclude, it can be reiterated that shopping habits depend on age, gender, financial status, family, friends and many other factors equally. To label any one of these factors, as the most important would be wrong.

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