IELTS Academic Essay 14th JAN 2023 India 1 PM

Interviews form the basic selection criteria for most large companies. However, some people think that an interview is not a reliable method of choosing whom to employ and there are other better methods. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Instead of writing the solution here, I am going to list ideas that will help you deal with this topic. Check out our latest book Ideas for Essays which is full of such essay ideas and is really useful for students who get stuck on writing assignments because they don’t have enough points or ideas. I also invite you to leave any ideas that you have for this topic in the comments section.

Interview as a selection criteria

  1. The recruiters can get an idea about the personality and social skills of the potential employees. In interviews, there is face-to-face interaction and the candidates have to answer impromptu questions, from which personality traits can be judged.
  2. By asking some case study type questions, employees can judge traits like the ability to handle pressure, confidence, and ability to think outside the box.

Other methods

  • Written test – It is good to judge theoretical knowledge
  • Group discussion – It is good to judge the convincing power of an individual
  • Combination – Written test followed by group discussion and finally interview

Why interview is better than the written method

The written method cannot give a good idea about the personality of the candidate. By contrast, through interviews, employers can judge both the knowledge and temperament of the potential employee. Moreover, the written test is fallible to cheating as sometimes candidates can take outside help.

Why interview is better than group discussion

Group discussion is good where a major job requirement is conversational and persuasion skills for instance sales jobs. It is not fitting for technical jobs because these are not customer oriented. On the other hand, interviews hold good for any type of job as the interviewer can frame questions to test the particular skills they require.

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