IELTS Academic Essay 14th September 2023 India

Some people think that the development of technology has made our life more complex, and the solution is to live a life without that technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


It is believed by some that modern technology has made ​​our lives more complicated and it would be wiser to revert to the older and simpler ways of life. I believe that while there are a few downsides of technology, it has in fact simplified our lives, and life without technology is unimaginable.

On the one hand, there are plenty of examples of how life is now much simpler. Firstly, online shopping has made it possible for people to sit at home and buy almost everything they want with just a few clicks. There are other examples such as teleconferences, which save the trouble to bring people from different parts of the world together, and software like Skype and Face-time, which allow users in different places to communicate “face-to-face”. In fact, the goal of new technologies is to simplify people’s life instead of complicating it. 

Moreover, because of technology people enjoy every device imaginable to assist them in conducting their everyday affairs, from baby strollers to life-support machines. In fact, people are flooded with technological gadgets in this modern world and there is no sign of a reversal in this trend occurring. Imagine for a moment, if there were no television or computers. How would we know who had won the latest cricket match? Or what was going on in the world? What would the weather be like tomorrow?

On the other hand, the problem with modern technology is our increasing inability to tune out from an overload in information and our growing reliance on machines that perform mindless tasks, which we could simply do for ourselves. It is not rare to see people who choose to get away from the online social network for some time. Their feedbacks are generally positive but eventually they all come back because simply living without the technology is not the solution.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the purpose of technology is not to make life complex, but quite the opposite, to solve problems in our life and make life easier. Therefore, giving up technology is not the way to have a simpler life. Instead, we should know where to draw the line so that this technology does not take over our life completely.

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