IELTS Academic Essay 15th July 2023 India

Some people believe that children should be punished for the crimes they commit. Others think the parents should be punished instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


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If children behave badly their parents should take responsibility and also be punished. Do you agree or disagree? 

If a five-year-old commits a crime (any kind), should his/her parents accept responsibility, and how should they be punished? What is the age of a child when parents no longer have the responsibility of a childs behaviour?

While I certainly agree that parents are responsible for their children’s actions, I do not agree that they should be punished.

Why parents should be held responsible

  1. Children’s behaviour to a large extent is dependent upon their upbringing, which in turn depends upon their parents. Young children imitate their parents and later on these behaviours become their habits. So, if parents are abusive and disrespectful, their children are also likely to behave in such a way.
  2. It is the onus of the parents to keep an eye on them so that they do not exceed their limits and commit grave crimes.

Why parents should not be punished

  1. Although children’s behaviour depends upon their upbringing, it is certainly not the only factor. In fact, children’s behaviour also depends upon external influences like media and peer pressure.
  2. Punishing parents would mean children stop taking responsibility for their actions. They would go into adulthood never having taken accountability for their actions. In adult life also, they would try to blame others for their actions.
  3. Although parents are responsible for teaching moral values to their children, children still commit crimes even if they are taught that is wrong. For example, many children are caught shoplifting even if their parents have taught them that stealing is wrong. This has nothing to do with parents, but only the child committing the offence.
  4. Punishing parents would also remove the feeling of guilt among children and they are more likely to commit crimes because they would think they can get away with it.

When should parents have no responsibility for their children’s actions?

I think that children should be fully responsible for their actions once they turn 18.

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