IELTS Academic Essay 17th August 2024 India

Children find it difficult to concentrate on or pay attention to school. What are the reasons? How can we solve this problem?


It is very common for children to have trouble staying focused in class. This essay intends to analyze the reasons for this situation and suggest some solutions to ameliorate the problem.

The main reason why children struggle with focus and concentration in school is sleep deprivation. Children who do not get the recommended 8-10 hours of sleep each night are exhausted during the day and do not have the energy to concentrate on schoolwork. In addition, many students lose focus because of long class hours and limited breaks in between classes. Because of this, children feel overwhelmed and their performance suffers as their brain does not get time to relax and revitalize itself.

Furthermore, a disorganized notebook or desk can be a cause of distractions for many students. Children may be spending more time searching for the tools and material needed to learn rather than paying attention to what is being taught in class. Noise and activity from other classmates can also distract them. Finally, a teacher’s teaching style may be traditional, outdated and boring and thus may not be engaging enough for the students. 

There are some solutions that can help with children’s focus issues and increase their attention span. First of all, parents need to make sure that their children stick to a nightly routine and sleep on time. A good sleep gives a child’s mind a chance to absorb everything from the day and recharge for tomorrow. Secondly, children focus better if they are given brief breaks for physical activity in between classes. For example, including some outdoor play times, or providing a quick stretching or jumping jacks break in the classroom, can all help children stay focused. Last but not least, if teachers are enthusiastic and make lessons fun and interesting, students are more likely to stay engaged.

To sum up, the concentration issues children have in school are caused by a number of different reasons, but this situation can be dealt with by the combined efforts of parents and teachers.

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