IELTS Academic Essay 17th Feb 2024 India

If some people get a chance to choose between life without work and spending most of the time working, then they would choose not to work. Agree or disagree? 


It is believed by some that people would choose not to work if given a choice. I think even if people are financially secure, they would choose to work because work provides more than just a living.

There are many reasons why people would not choose a life without work, even if given a choice. To begin with, work provides people with an inner creative joy and saves them from the dullness and boredom of life. It puts their energies to proper use and keeps their mind and body active. Idleness is more tiresome, and many people may hate their job, but they are more miserable doing nothing.

Furthermore, work also gives people a sense of meaning and purpose. In other words, people today want to feel that they are contributing to society and making a difference to the world. Having a sense of purpose makes them feel that what they do matters and thus brings them happiness and satisfaction. For example, many people work for non-profit organisations like food pantries and animal shelters, that do not pay much, but give people a chance to help others.

In addition, for some people work is about respect and status in society. There are many people who turn down jobs with greater financial reward for those with greater status. Finally, relying on someone else for money can be never as satisfying as working to earn one’s own livelihood. This is the reason even heirs to rich billionaires work despite having enough money to live their whole life in luxury.  

To sum up, work is an important part of life for a lot of reasons that go beyond just earning a living. Therefore, I disagree that most people would not work, even if they had a choice. 

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