IELTS Academic Essay 18th April 2024 India

Some people believe that sport competitions are a source of emotional stress for young people. Therefore, youth should be banned from participating in sport competitions. Do you agree or disagree?


It is believed by some that participation in competitive sports creates mental stress among the youth, and so they should be forbidden to take part in sports competitions. While competitive sports can cause some stress, I believe that sports competitions are very essential for young people and teach them important life skills.

Admittedly, there is a feeling of competitiveness that can cause some amount of emotional stress. Sometimes the pressures of winning are too demanding for the players and lead to deleterious consequences, like the win-at-all-cost attitude, not being able to accept failure, drug abuse for better performance, etc.

However, competition is not just limited to the field of sports. It is there in every aspect of life, starting with the school life, and continues onto when people start working. Sports competitions teach the youth how to overcome challenges, accept failures and keep trying to succeed, which helps them overcome other obstacles in their lives as well. Such competitions also promote skills like self-confidence, team spirit, developing strategies, overcoming obstacles, and so on.

To add to it, sport is a very popular career option for many youngsters. Through the state-level and national-level sporting competitions, the best of the talent can be identified. These youngsters can then move on to competing at an international level, and bring name and fame to the country. The government also provides job opportunities to the sport laureates. Furthermore, such competitions promote harmony, when people and teams from different cultures, countries and backgrounds compete with one another and strengthen relationships.

To sum up, the children and the youth should be encouraged to participate in sport competitions, to promote their overall development, and to inculcate in them the life skills, like self-confidence, sportsmanship spirit, feeling of fraternity and many more.

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