IELTS Academic Essay 20th Jan 2022 India 9 AM

Music has been and will continue to be the universal language of mankind. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Makkar Ielts Essay Book

It is believed by some that music is universally understood across cultural and linguistic boundaries. I completely agree that music is one language that everybody understands no matter what tongue they speak.

The main reason why I believe that music is the universal language of mankind is that music expresses feelings that everyone understands. People can understand the emotion conveyed in the music even if they don’t understand the lyrics. The components that make up music like pitch, tempo, and rhythm are present in all cultures. Humans can easily interpret the two basic emotions happiness and sadness by analyzing a song’s acoustic features. For instance, higher pitches and a faster tempo convey happiness. Songs like the Korean Gangnam song, Spanish Despacito have been hits globally. This is a testament to the universality of music that regardless of the language, people appreciate and interpret music in the same way.

Moreover, music is universal because it’s an important part of all cultures, all over the world. In all the different types of music, one common attribute is that it brings people together, whether it’s by dancing to the music, singing to the music, or just celebrating the music. It is a vital part of religious ceremonies, weddings, birthday parties, and other social activities. It is also therapy for many as it can help with anxiety, depression, and stress and uplift one’s mood.

Finally, because of technological advancements music has had the opportunity to blend with music of other countries and transcend cultural differences. As such, music is in a unique position where it contains bits and pieces from every place on Earth. For example, Bollywood songs contain, English, Japanese and Spanish words. Therefore, music is one way that people are able to communicate with each other when words fail.

In conclusion, music is universal because it exists in all societies and people can understand its meaning regardless of the cultural background.

Read more agree/disagree essays here

Learn how to write agree/disagree essays here.

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