IELTS Academic Essay 21st August 2021 India 9 AM

Some people believe that climate has the greatest effect on people’s way of life. Others believe that the economy of the region has the greatest effect. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is believed by some that climate has the most significant impact on people’s lives, while others argue that economy is the most significant factor. I believe that a good economy enables people to disregard the effects of climate and thus economy is the overriding factor.

On the one hand, the main reason given by those who believe that climate has the greatest impact is that climate determines the variability and availability of natural resources people depend on like food, water, and energy. For example, deserts are scarcely populated because of the hot climate which leads to water scarcity. Climate influences how people live and what jobs they do. People’s lifestyle including what they eat, what clothes they wear, the type of houses they live in, all in some way or another depend upon the climate the region experiences. Similarly, ice fishing is the most common profession in cold frozen countries, while agriculture is the most common profession in warm and humid climates.

On the other hand, those who believe that economy is the principal factor say that because economy frames the choices and decisions people make regarding work, leisure, consumption, and how much to save. For example, in rich and developed countries, people tend to spend more as the governments can provide social security in the form of pensions and free health care, while in poor countries people are more likely to save. Similarly, developed countries with good economies have a more educated workforce and thus their citizens secure better jobs, while people from poor developing countries are seen employed as labor.

In the past, I believe climate had the major impact on life, but today the impact of climate can be limited by a good economy. The biggest evidence for this can be seen in the oil-rich middle eastern countries, who have established modern cities in the middle of deserts with the help of their rich economies. Their people today have the same facilities and luxuries as available in other developed countries, despite the region’s harsh climate.

In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that although both climate and economy impact people’s way of life, the impact of the economy is certainly more.

Plan followed:
Para 1: One view
Para 2: Other view
Para 3: Own view 

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