IELTS Academic Essay 21st JAN 2023 India 1 PM

Some people believe that everyone has right to university education. Therefore, government should make university education free for everyone, no matter what their financial background is. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


In some countries, students must pay their own college or university fees while in others government pays. Do the advantages of using government money for college and university fees outweigh the disadvantages?

Instead of writing the solution here, I am going to list ideas that will help you deal with this topic. Check out our latest book Ideas for Essays which is full of such essay ideas and is really useful for students who get stuck on writing assignments because they don’t have enough points or ideas. I also invite you to leave any ideas that you have for this topic in the comments section.

Advantages of the government paying the fees of the university

  1. It creates equal opportunity for everyone and reduces the disparity between the poor and the rich. The career opportunities that come with a university education can get them out of the endless cycle of poverty.
  2. The country benefits as a whole from a university educated populace. Higher education leads to a more educated and productive workforce. 

Why governments and countries should not pay for university education

  1. Universities would not be able to handle the increased enrolments and the quality of education would certainly suffer. When more people go to college, the campuses get overcrowded, making the classes larger and reducing teacher attention to students.
  2. The value of education comes down. Universities become full of non-serious students, just whiling away their time and the number of dropouts also increases. If students know that their parent’s hard-earned money is going into their higher education or if they have monstrous student debts, they would not relax and study seriously.
  3. Completely funding higher education would take away funds from other critical areas like healthcare and infrastructure.
  4. The importance of university education is highly overrated and this is clearly visible from the fact that many youth are working in professions, not aligned with their college education.
  5. It would further increase the mismatch between the jobs people want and the jobs available. For example, after completing tertiary education, people would consider themselves overqualified for jobs like truck driving, plumbing, carpentry etcetera. By contrast, it would add to the competition for white collar jobs and further decrease the already low prospects of acquiring such jobs.
  6. Students who gain a degree, end up with a relatively higher salary. Therefore, if they financially gain from studying at university, it is perhaps fair they pay the cost.

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