IELTS Academic Essay 23rd Oct 2021 India 1 PM

In some cities people are choosing cars instead of bicycles, while in other cities riding bikes is replacing cars. Why is this the case? Which development do you think is better?


In some cities, people are switching to cars from bicycles as a popular means of transport, whereas in some other cities the bicycles are gaining more popularity than cars. There are many reasons why such trends are being observed. In my opinion, in the present scenario, the shift towards more eco-friendly modes, as bicycles is a better development. 

There are many reasons why people prefer cars, to bicycles. Firstly, it is a sign of progress in developing cities and towns, where the buying capacity of people has increased. Moreover, people have moved their residences from crowded urban areas to the quieter suburbs, because of which cars have become a necessity. Finally, they are more comfortable, faster, safer and more convenient than bikes. Cars are also better for the elderly, the handicapped and the sick people.

On the other hand, there are reasons why people are switching to bicycles. To begin with, people are becoming more aware of the damage being caused to the environment. So, they are switching to bicycles and reducing the use of cars.  Governments in many parts of the world are also working towards promoting this trend. For example, in Denmark the government has provided 19000 km of bicycle tracks, which has encouraged many people to switch from cars to bicycles.

I believe adopting the use of bicycles and reducing the use of cars is better because of many reasons. Apart from the health benefits and benefits to the environment, the cycling industry has the potential of providing jobs. For example, in Europe alone, more than 6 lac people are employed in the cycling industry – more jobs than even in the automobile industry. More other countries have also started investing in a big way and have seen many positive effects. The overall economy of these countries has been boosted.

To sum up, I would reiterate my view that even though the car has some advantages over the bicycle, the use of bicycles is better, as it is not only a step towards saving the environment; it is also an economical way to remain fit and healthy. 

Plan followed:

Intro: Problem solution essay intro

Para 1: Reasons of choosing cars over bicycles

Para 2: Reasons of choosing bicycles over cars

Para 3: More reasons in favor of bicycles


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