IELTS Academic Essay 24th DEC 2022 India 9 AM

Directors of large organizations earn much higher salaries than ordinary employees do. Some people think it is necessary, but others hold that it is unfair. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.

The same essay came on 9th October 2021 Morning Slot

This essay is similar to ESSAY NUMBER 10 FROM OUR BOOK
It is a good thing if senior management workers in a company get a much higher salary than other workers in the same company. Do you agree or disagree?

Another essay that is asked which is similar to both essays above is ESSAY NUMBER 9 FROM OUR BOOK
In some countries, a few people earn extremely high salaries. Some people think that this is good for a country, while others believe that the government should control salaries and limit the amount people can earn. Discuss both sides and express your opinion.

Instead of writing the solution here, I am going to list ideas that will help you deal with this topic. Check out our latest book Ideas for Essays which is full of such essay ideas and is really useful for students who get stuck on writing assignments because they don’t have enough points or ideas. I also invite you to leave any ideas that you have for this topic in the comments section.
Enough talk, let’s get started:

Why it is good to give extremely high salaries to senior management

  1. High salaries incentivize people to work harder. In other words, if the people at the top are earning considerably more money, the other employees would work harder to get promoted to get the same salary.
  2. The mental stress and challenges that senior-level executives face today is reason enough for the high salaries they are paid.   
  3. Managers have to take accountability for not only their actions but also for all employees under them.

Why government should cap the salaries

  1. From the company’s point of view, the main reason is that substantial pay disparity without any justification generates feelings of unfairness, leading lower-paid employees to shrug off their responsibilities.
  2. From society’s point of view, it would reduce wealth inequality in society and prevent the rich from gaining unfair control over resources.

Own View

  1. I believe that as pay differences between job levels increase, the value of receiving a promotion also rises.
  2. Today’s senior management’s role is much broader than simply running the company.
  3. Higher-level executive officers have to take accountability for not only their actions but also for all employees under them.

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