IELTS Academic Essay 24th July 2021 India 1 PM

Some people believe that schools are no longer necessary because students can get so much information through the Internet, and study just as well at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is believed by some that traditional schooling is unnecessary as the internet and new technologies have made it possible to pursue an education remotely. While I agree that Internet has made studying from home convenient, I firmly believe that classroom learning has an edge over online education.

It is irrefutable that the Internet is an ocean of knowledge and students can get information about any topic on earth from the Internet. Online education allows the students to learn at their own pace and allows them the flexibility to study any time during the day or night.  It is also a relatively cheaper mode of education in terms of the lower cost of transportation and the overall cost of institution-based learning.

However, I still feel that the internet cannot replace schools and teachers. To begin with, at schools’ teachers can stimulate interest and can keep students focused on study. A student studying by himself at home may get bored and stop studying. Teachers can provide a simpler way to present information to the students. There are also practical subjects which students can learn the best from the teacher. For example, physics and chemistry experiments are best learnt by the teacher guiding you at every step in the school setting.

Moreover, in schools’ students develop important interpersonal and social skills. They have to interact face to face with their classmates and teachers which helps them become more confident. Finally, there is no authenticity of the information on the internet and what information to get, and from where to get requires a lot of expertise. Teachers can help students learn the best way to use technology to their advantage.

To sum up, there is no doubt modern technology has made online learning easier, but traditional-style classroom learning cannot be replaced by any technology.  

Read more agree/disagree essays here

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