IELTS Academic Essay 26th August 2023 India

Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe that effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion


Some people believe that damage done by humans to some animals and plant species is irreversible and so we can do nothing, whereas others persist that effective measures can alleviate the current situation. This essay intends to examine both perspectives. However, I believe a difference can still be made if actions are taken immediately.

One of the arguments given by people who think that it is too late to save the animal and plant species is that human activities like deforestation, pollution and overpopulation have already accelerated out of control. This has resulted in climate change which has led to the extinction of many animal and plant species. They further claim that thousands of endangered animals have already died because of poaching. Ever increasing demand for animal products like elephant tusks and rhino horns has made the situation even worse and uncontrollable.

On the other hand many believe that humans can take simple steps to minimize their impact on plants and animals. Afforestation can help reverse the effects of global warming and also restore natural wildlife habitats. Heavier penalties on wildlife traffickers and poachers is another way to save the endangered species. For example, Indian government was able to save the Royal Bengal Tiger from extinction by banning hunting and setting up wildlife preserves throughout the country.

I believe that saving these animals and plants may seem like an overwhelming task, but if everyone pitches in, the situation can still be reversed. For example, air pollution, another contributor to climate change, can be controlled if people take simple steps like walking or taking public transportation instead of driving. Using plastic-free alternatives can help save our oceans and the marine animals and plants. Going paperless can save our trees and forests.

To sum up, although human activities have done a lot of harm to the animal and plant species, it is still not too late to make a difference. 

2 thoughts on “IELTS Academic Essay 26th August 2023 India”

  1. I think we should not ignore this and should obviously take measures. We should not destroy our ecosystem,else we might destroy ourselves directly or indirectly.

    Firstly the use of mobile phones should be strictly reduced (IT’S A HUMBLE REQUEST).The towers of network should reduced at that place where species live ,fly,etc.

    That’s it!! Please consider my opinion!!! Thanks 👍

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