IELTS Academic Essay 27th Feb 2021 India 1 PM

Most of our information comes from the Internet nowadays. Some people say that a large part of the information we get is incorrect. Do you agree or disagree?


Someone has rightly said that the Internet is the first thing that humanity has made that humanity doesn’t understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had. We are all bombarded with information on the Internet once we go online. Although some of the information may be wrong but I still believe that most of the information is correct.

My first argument is that only if the information is correct, it can enjoy a lasting attraction to readers. With an expectation to have more readers, the author will be encouraged to post correct and authenticated articles which will in turn attract more and more visitors to the website. Otherwise, when the audience comes to know they are being cheated, then they will stop visiting the blog or website.

Secondly, as such a wide sea of information surrounds the people, they will definitely not believe in one report, but may search out all the related information to compare and form their own opinion. To add to it, the issue of cybercrime has also led to the websites being supervised because of which discourages people to post wrong and misleading information. Plagiarism is also considered an offence and so those posting any information know that they are being monitored.

Admittedly, some false, misleading or incorrect information do exist, but the person surfing the net have to learn how to look for the authentic websites. This takes a little time but ultimately people come to know about the websites imparting useful and correct information and then bookmark those sites and avoid going back to the fake sites.

To sum up, most of the information on the Internet is worth our trust. With the rise of people’s awareness of its accuracy, more correct information will be there awaiting us in the future.

Plan followed
Intro: Disagree
Para 1: First argument
Para 2: Second argument
Para 3: Responsibility of the person accessing the internetConclusion: reiterate opinion

Read more agree/disagree essays here

1 thought on “IELTS Academic Essay 27th Feb 2021 India 1 PM”

  1. It is completely a choice of an individual to see the sides of the Internet. Some use it for entertainment and some use it for knowledge. I feel more susceptible are the ones who use it for entertainment. Thanks for sharing this essay.

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