IELTS Academic Essay 2nd MARCH 2023 India

Some people say that every human being can create art (e.g. painting, music, pottery), others think only the people born with the ability can create art. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


It is believed by some that artistic ability is inborn, whereas others say that such a talent can be acquired by training and hard work. This essay intends to analyze both perspectives. I personally believe that artistic knack is a combination of both, talent and training.

The main reason why some people hold the opinion that art is about natural ability is that some people are just innately good. They showcase such extraordinary talent at such a young age that leaves little doubt that they had such abilities since birth. History is full of examples of child prodigies like Mozart, who outdid others who had years of practice. In addition, they say that art is valued precisely because people feel that not everyone can make it.

On the other hand, those who say that anyone can produce art by practice and training give the following reasons. First, they say that had this not been the case, there would be no art schools, and art and fine art would not exist as subjects. Secondly, they cite the development of great artists over time. The only thing that separates most of these artist’s earlier works from their latter works is practice and yet in most cases, the latter works are valued much more highly. People might not even consider some of these artists talented, if they looked at their initial works.

In my opinion, to reach the recognizable top, even those gifted with talent have to work hard and practice a lot. Even the most talented can lead a life of oblivion if they do not polish their art by continued practice. Conversely, anyone with a passion and determination can succeed in creating unique masterpieces of art. They might not be able to achieve the same level of success as someone who is extremely talented and hardworking, but they can still make a name for themselves.

To sum up, both talent and hard work have a role in creating art since both are inextricably linked. The nature versus nurture debate has no clear-cut answer and will never have.

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