IELTS Academic Essay 30th Oct 2021 India 1 PM

Some people think that the government should make laws regarding nutrition and healthy lifestyle, while others think that it is a matter of personal choice and personal responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people opine that the government should make laws and policies to improve the health of its people, while others say that there should be no regulation on what they eat and how they live. This essay intends to analyze both perspectives. I believe that people should make decisions about their own health and the government’s role should be limited, to actively promoting healthy food and exercise.

Essay 348 from our book

The main reason given by those who believe that the government should intervene to improve people’s health is that not everyone has enough knowledge about health. Moreover, people go for easily and cheaply available fast foods, which provide calories, but are bereft of essential nutrients. This increases the risk of diseases and therefore the government should formulate strict policies such as heavily taxing such processed fast food and sugary carbonated drinks.

On the other hand, those who believe that the onus of having a healthy lifestyle should be left to the individuals, give their reasons as follows.  They say that the government cannot and should not force anybody to follow a healthy diet and exercise daily. It is people’s right to eat what they wish and follow any lifestyle they want. The government should just make people aware about the dangers of an unhealthy lifestyle, and then leave it on the people to do what they wish. 

I believe that the government should not make harsh laws about nutrition and health. Instead the government should educate people about the benefits of healthy living and physical exercise through banners, TV advertisements etc. Government can also subsidize healthy foods and increase the number of parks and sports facilities for its citizens. 

To conclude, there should be no laws on what people eat and how they live, but the government should create awareness about the importance of good nutrition and exercise and incentivise healthy living by subsidizing healthy food options.

Plan followed:

Intro: Discuss essay intro

Para 1: One opinion

Para 2: Other opinion

Para 3: Own opinion

Conclusion: No harsh laws but governments should promote healthy lifestyles

Read more about attempting such essays here

1 thought on “IELTS Academic Essay 30th Oct 2021 India 1 PM”

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