IELTS Academic Essay 30th Oct 2021 India 9 AM

There are more new towns being built nowadays. It is more important to include public parks and sports facilities than shopping centres for individuals to spend their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Essay 399 from our book

Some people believe that new town designs should include more parks and stadiums than shopping centres. I believe that having gardens and sports complexes  inside town boundaries is more beneficial for the residents and ecommerce has made shopping stores expendable. 

There are numerous reasons why public parks and sports facilities should be an essential part of new towns. Firstly, these facilities have a major role in improving the overall health and wellness of the individuals and the community. People with easy access to these facilities are physically more active and tend to spend more time outdoors breathing the fresh air. They create a healthy environment as plants and trees reduce pollution and improve air quality. In addition, these green spaces in the middle of a congested urban landscape provide a connection to nature which relieves stress and improves mental health. 

Secondly, these facilities create safe neighborhoods with fewer violent and property crimes as more people are out on the street and neighbors tend to support and protect one another. Youth also have the opportunity to use their endless energies in sports and so are less likely to be involved in delinquent acts. Finally, these parks and sports stadiums can generate revenue for the town later on as they can be used to host art and music shows or local games. 

On the other hand, towns and cities can do without shopping malls inside their boundaries. People are embracing the convenience offered by online shopping and this has made retail stores inside the city centres redundant. Having a few shopping centres in the suburban areas are enough for any shopping needs that virtual stores can’t fulfill. 

To sum up, sports facilities and parks have an important role in improving the lives of urban residents so their abundance inside city boundaries is a must.

Plan followed

Intro: Agree

Para 1: why parks and sports facilities are important inside cities

Para 2: more reasons 

Para 3: why shopping centres are less important


Read more agree/disagree essays here

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