IELTS Academic Essay 7th March 2024 India

We are becoming less influenced by advertising now than in the past. What are the reasons? Is it a positive or negative development?

Nowadays people are not as swayed by advertisements as they used to be. I think this decline in the influence of advertising is a positive development. There are many reasons that can be attributed to this shift.

Firstly, people have become increasingly wary of the claims made by businesses. They know that businesses frequently exaggerate and manipulate the truth to make their items seem better than they actually are. Furthermore, now people are able to go online and read reviews and recommendations for a product. They trust these reviews from unbiased sources more than the ads.

Secondly, because of the advancement of technology there are many options for avoiding advertisements. For example, people can switch on ad-blocking software on our computers or skip the annoying ads on YouTube. Moreover, earlier people could only watch movies and soaps on cable tv which had so many ads at regular intervals. Now there are streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar that give the option to go ad free. Since, people are not as exposed to advertisements as they formerly were, this lessens their impact on them.

I think this waning influence of advertising is a favorable development. People are less likely to make impulse purchases and don’t get tricked into buying things they don’t actually need. They spend their money more wisely, after doing some research online and are happier with what we buy. Also, companies have to focus on making a better quality products as they can’t rely on flashy advertising to sell products. They work harder on improving their products and providing better customer service to the consumer.

In conclusion, increased awareness, easily available online sources of information and technological advancements are some of the reasons that have made us less susceptible to the charms of advertising. It is a positive change as it helps us make smarter decisions and ultimately leads to companies making better quality products.

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