IELTS Academic Essay 8th Feb 2024 India

Parents should encourage their children to spend less time studying, and more time doing sports/physical activities. Do you agree or disagree


Some people believe that sports are more important for children than academic education, and so more time should be devoted to sports. While I believe that  parents should encourage their children to undertake more physical activities, I also believe that this should not come at the cost of their academics.

There are many advantages of physical activities and sports for children. To begin with, participating in sports and other physical activities has numerous health benefits. This includes reduced risk of childhood obesity, healthy bones, muscles and joints and increased cardiovascular fitness. They also help children relax, relieve stress and sleep better. Participation in sports recharges the batteries of children, and this in turn leads to improved academic achievement.

Another important benefit of physical activity, and sports in particular, is that children learn important virtues of life through them. It improves their personal skills like self-esteem, goal-setting, and leadership. They also learn about competition, cooperation and sportsman spirit. These personal and social skills are important later on in life and recruiting agencies look for such skills in job interviews. 

However, academic education is also very important, so students must be pushed to achieve their best academically as well. They need to spend time on studies, so that they get into university and are placed in good jobs later in life. Devoting all time to sports and less to academics would also be detrimental for children. So, to allocate more time to sports, parents should cut down on time spent on mobile phones and video games rather than compromising with children’s studies.

To conclude, I reiterate my opinion that academic studies and sports are equally important for children today. Parents need to cut down screen time to accommodate more physical activities into their children’s schedules.

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