IELTS Academic Essay 9th September 2023 India

Some people think news has no connection to people’s lives, so then it is a waste of time to read the news in the newspaper and watch television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


It is believed by some that news has nothing to do with people’s day to day lives and thus, it is pointless to spend time reading news or watching news channels. I believe that rather than a waste of time, there is actually a lot to gain by watching news on the TV and reading newspapers.

There are many reasons why people should keep themselves up to date with the news events. Firstly, news is the main source of information about the government policies, which directly impact people’s lives. In other words, people can be better prepared to deal with change in laws, if they read news. For example, when traffic fines were increased, many people were caught unaware and had to pay huge fines. Moreover, as reading news makes people more knowledgeable, they are able to have more informed discussions with others.

Secondly, news is a source of inspiration. When people hear or read about others’ misfortunes and how they overcame them, they learn to be resilient. Success stories motivate them to work hard and challenge their limits. Similarly by reading about adversity, they learn to appreciate what they have in life and it encourages them to help and support the less fortunate. 

Thirdly, in this era of many truths, newspapers are the only thing that can help us differentiate the actual truth from the many rumours. By watching credible and objective news, people can learn how to distinguish fact from fiction, which in turn develops people’s critical thinking abilities as well. Finally, newspapers not only enhance people’s reading skills but also their writing, grammar, vocabulary and speaking skills.

To summarize, listening to the news or reading the paper daily is very important to be a part of the global village of today.

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