IELTS Academic Essays 27th May, 2023

1. In many countries around the world young people decide to leave their parents home once they finish school. They start living on their own or sharing a home with friends. Do you agree or disagree with this approach? Give your opinion.



2. You want to buy something which is very important for you. Ask your friend to give you some advice on money and financial management.

What do you want to buy?

Why this is important for you to buy?

And ask some questions to your friend about money management.

3. International community must act immediately to ensure all nations reduce their consumption of fossil fuels e.g. gas and oil. Do you agree or disagree?

A lot of people believe that urgent action needs to be taken on the global level to cut down the consumption of fossil fuels. I strongly agree that the international community like the United Nations must take immediate actions to ensure that all countries lessen the use of such resources.

The main reason for the international community to intervene and see to it that all nations curtail their use of fossil fuels is that no individual nation would take this initiative on its own. Any country, which takes the step to reduce the use of fossil fuels, would have to invest in the alternative resources, which would raise the price of their goods and their economy would suffer. If there is pressure from the international community then all countries would have to comply with it.

The second major reason is that it might be too late to save the planet if urgent action is not taken globally. Many international organisation have predicted the end of earth by as early as 2100 if steps are not taken on a war footing. The increase in unchecked pollution levels and rise in temperatures would make the earth uninhabitable. Moreover, the rise in sea-levels due to global warming would lead to submergence of many low-lying islands. These consequences can already be seen in many parts of the earth and if we wait more the situation might get completely out of hand.

Finally, an urgent action needs to be taken for reducing the use of conventional sources like coal and oil because these are non-renewable. They take millions of years to make and are being used at an alarming rate. This means that if international action is not taken immediately, these resources will be gone forever, and there will be nothing left for the future generations. On the other hand, energy from the wind, the sun and the sea are an everlasting source of power and they are environmentally friendly as well.

In conclusion, it is vital for international organizations to implement strict regulations on consumption of oil and gas worldwide, and all nations must take part in reducing the usage of fossil fuels.

Plan followed:
Intro: Agree
Para 1: Reason 1 – no nation would take any step on its own
Para 2: Reason 2 – Why urgent actions are needed
Para 3: Reason 3 – More reasons for urgent actions

Written by Indroop Singh 1/6/2020

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