IELTS Academic Essay 15th Oct 2020 India 9 AM

Some are of the opinion that people are naturally born as good leaders while others feel that leadership skills can be learned. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is believed by some that people are born with certain characteristics that enable them to become great leaders, while others assert that leadership skills are learnable. In this essay, both views will be discussed. Personally, I believe that training and experience can make better leaders than any innate ability.

The main reason why some people believe that leadership qualities are inborn is that leadership is based on personality traits, which either a person possesses by birth or doesn’t. For example, people who are naturally outgoing and extrovert get followers. Another great leadership trait is handling stress which all the leaders face at one time or another. People’s genetic makeup influences their behavior and those who are naturally balanced and composed handle stress more easily. According to them, leadership cannot be taught and people who do not possess these natural traits, fail at leadership.

On the other hand, some people think leadership skills are not in a person’s DNA and can be learned through experience, education, and training. Experiences and circumstances prepare people to deal with success and failure. Good communication skills and formal speaking are the essential traits of leaders and can be learned through formal training and well-rounded education. Creativity is another leadership skill that parents and good teachers can help children develop.

I believe that, while there are many skills that can be inborn, leadership is not one of them, and any person can be groomed to master skills for becoming a good leader. It is a fact that children of many good leaders have failed as leaders, but those with no such background have risen to great heights as leaders. The prime minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, and the former President of India, Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam, have risen from humble beginnings and became great leaders. 

In conclusion, there is no doubt that becoming a good leader is challenging but this does not mean that only people with innate talent can become good leaders. 

Plan followed
Introduction: Discuss essay
Para 1: One view
Para 2: Other view
Para 3: Own view

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