IELTS GT Essay 20th March 2021 India

Some people think residents should keep their streets clean and tidy while others say it is government’s responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people believe that government should be responsible for keeping the streets free of rubbish and garbage, whereas others argue that it is the responsibility of the citizens to keep their streets clean. This essay intends to analyse both perspectives. In my opinion, keeping the streets tidy requires a joint effort by the government and the residents.

On the one hand, there are many reasons why some people believe that government should be responsible for keeping a city’s streets clean. Firstly, people have already paid a lot of taxes and so it is the onus of the government to maintain a city’s streets. Part of the tax money should be allocated for providing public waste bins on every street, collecting and disposing this waste properly on time. Secondly, it’s governments responsibility to enforce strict laws and punish people who are found littering. For example, Singapore one of the cleanest cities in the world imposes a penalty of up to  SGD 1000$ on people if caught dropping litter.

On the other hand, those who say that residents are responsible for clean streets argue that it’s the people that need to take personal responsibility and pride in keeping their neighborhood clean. Government can provide public trash bins but it’s the responsibility of the citizens to make sure that they use them. If people can keep the inside of their houses clean, then why not the outside. Habits like spitting in open, throwing cigarette butts on the road need to be changed. There is not enough money or manpower to keep the city clean if the citizens are unwilling to do their part. So, people should make a conscious effort to properly dispose of their trash and train their children to do the same rather than expecting the government to do it for them.

In conclusion, a combined effort by the government and citizens is the only sure and lasting solution to roadside trash and keeping the streets clean.

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