IELTS GT Writing Tasks 10th June 2023 India

Task 1: You are an employee in an office, working on one big project together with your colleagues. Write a letter to your manager to inform him/her that one of the employees makes mistakes that affect your work. In your letter say
– What mistakes you have encountered so far
– Explain that other employees complained about the same mistakes – Suggest a solution to solve this problem

Letter #58 FROM OUR BOOK

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to apprise you that one member, Sumit Sharma, is slowing down the project by constantly making mistakes. I would request you to please do something about it. I am Mohit Bhalla, working in the IT department of our company Sigma Healthcare. Presently, I am part of the team working on the project of development of an app for direct marketing of the products of our company.

Sir, our project is an integrated project and six of us are working on it simultaneously. Sumit Sharma does not have the know-how of the software we are using in making this app. As a result, he makes mistakes, requiring us to undo and redo our work many times, which is very confusing and frustrating. All the other team members are facing the same problem.

Sir, I would like to suggest that you can assign some other project to Sumit Sharma, and remove him from this project. It is my humble request.

Hoping for a prompt response from you regarding this matter.

Yours faithfully,
Mohit Bhalla.

Task 2: Fast food is becoming a part of people’s daily life everywhere, and this has had negative effects on people and societies. Do you agree with this statement?

Essay #170 FROM OUR BOOK

    In this era of technology and globalization, all spheres of life have changed dramatically and food is no exception. I agree that international fast foods and restaurants have become part of life, and this has had a detrimental effect on our lifestyles and diet. A number of arguments support my opinion.

    There are a lot of detrimental effects of fast food. Firstly, because of the easy availability and affordability, people do not feel the need to prepare and eat traditional home-cooked food. Because of this, the art of home cooking is suffering a lot. Secondly, family bonds and relationships are getting fragile. For example, in earlier times all family members used to sit together and eat, and over the dining table, they shared their happenings of the day. These fast foods are generally eaten alone because they don’t appeal to the palate of older family members.

    Furthermore, this has had a harmful effect on people’s health. Fast foods are rich in fats and salts which are not good for health. Therefore, people are affected by health hazards like obesity and other diseases. Obesity is the root cause of many other diseases. An obese person is more likely to suffer from diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis.

    There are tangible consequences on society too. As people get inclined towards fast food and restaurants, the local culture dies out. It is because traditional food is inextricably linked with culture. Undoubtedly, the identity of the society and nation will disappear. It will be monopolized by western societies. Also, if people are not healthy, the productivity of the nation will come to a standstill. Last but not least, fast foods promote a use-and-throw culture which adds to the problem of garbage dumps, contamination, pollution, and eventually many diseases.

    To conclude, international fast foods have carved their niche and traditional food has taken the backseat. Certainly, this has had an adverse effect on our lifestyles and society as a whole.

    Plan followed
    Intro: Agree
    Para 1: Effects
    Para 2: effect on people’s health – obesity
    Para 3: effects on society

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