Mock Speaking session – Winner – Kiranjot

First of all, I would like to apologize that I cannot conduct the speaking for every student who replied.

KIRANJOT – is eligible for a free speaking session. We have shared the details with here

How we made the decision?

We did a random draw.

There were 18 people who commented with the right answers, the comments with the wrong answers and repeat comments were removed.

5 thoughts on “Mock Speaking session – Winner – Kiranjot”

  1. A single decision can change one’s whole life. According to me decision should be taken after considering all aspects of situation .One should know consequences of his actions or decisions. Thus, less chance of regretting after Making decision.

    1. Navdeep, you are talking in what context??

      And no I don’t agree, we have to continuously make decisions in life. If we make all the decisions by careful analysis like you say, life would be impossible to live. It will create unhappiness in life.

      I carefully analyse only those decisions – which impact my life. Not every decision does.

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