Test your vocabulary

A strong vocabulary will help students improve all areas of communication – reading, listening, speaking, and writing. When you see a new unfamiliar word, try to find the meaning by looking at the sentence or the paragraph for context clues.

  1. Fallacy
    • a mistaken belief, misconception
      • It is a common fallacy that only men are good at math.
  2. Tumultuous
    • loud, noisy, excited
      • Indian crickets players were given a tumultuous welcome at the airport after their world cup win.
    • marked by disturbance or violence
      • The tumultuous storm destroyed the whole town.
  3. Placid
    • calm and peaceful
      • I like watching the placid surface of the lake.
      • He has a placid temperament.
  4. Haven
    • a place of safety or refuge
      • National Parks provide a safe haven for wildlife.
  5. Balk
    • hesitate or unwilling to accept an idea or undertaking
      • You may balk when you see the estimate for replacing the windows.
  6. Undermine
    • lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of
      • I don’t like it when my husband undermines me in front of our children.
  7. Vex
    • annoy, irritate
      • Their constant chatter vexed me during the car ride.
  8. Forgo
    • go without
      • I decided to forgo gifts for my birthday party and asked friends to donate to charity instead.
  9. Transcend
    • go beyond, surpass
      • Music is a universal language that transcends cultural and national boundaries.
  10. Fabricate
    • create, invent
      • We had to fabricate a roller coaster for our science project using cardboard.

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